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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Digital Cinema Free Essays
Scott McQuire Millennial dreams As anybody inspired by film culture knows, the most recent decade has seen a blast of professions concerning the eventual fate of film. Many are fuelled by exposed innovative determinism, bringing about prophetically catastrophic situations in which film either experiences computerized resurrection to develop more impressive than any other time in recent memory in the new thousand years, or is minimized by a scope of ‘new media’ which unavoidably incorporate a broadband advanced funnel equipped for conveying full screen ‘cinema quality’ pictures on request to home consumers.The actuality that the doubleedged plausibility of advanced renaissance or passing by bytes has corresponded with festivities of the ‘centenary of cinema’ wants to ponder all the more comprehensively the historical backdrop of film as a social and social organization. We will compose a custom paper test on Advanced Cinema or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now It has likewise converged with a critical change of film history, wherein the centrality of ‘narrative’ as the essential classification for joining records of the innovative, the monetary and the stylish in film hypothesis, has gotten subject to new questions.Writing in 1986 Thomas Elsaesser joined the revisionist venture concerning ‘early cinema’ to cinema’s potential death: ‘A new enthusiasm for its beginnings is advocated by the very reality that we may be seeing the end: motion pictures on the big screen could before long be the special case instead of the rule’. 1 obviously, Elsaesser’s theory, which was to a great extent driven by the deregulation of TV broadcasting in Europe related to the development of new advancements, for example, video, link and satellite during the 1980s, has been repudiated continuously long film blast in the multiplexed 1990s. It has additionally been tested from another bearing, as the monster scree n ‘experience’ of enormous organization film has been fairly out of the blue changed from a piece player into a forthcoming power. In any case, in a similar article, Elsaesser raised another issue which has kept on resounding in resulting discusses: Scott McQuire, ‘Impact Esthetics: Back to the Future in Digital Cinema? ‘, Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, vol. 6, no. 2, 2000, pp. 41-61.  © Scott McQuire. All rights reserved.Deposited to the University of Melbourne ePrints Repository with consent of Sage Publications . 2 Few chronicles completely address the topic of why story turned into the main impetus of film and whether this may itself be liable to change. Today the achievement, of SF as a classification, or of executives like Steven Spielberg whose stories are basically treasury pieces from fundamental film plots, recommend that story has somewhat been a reason for the fireworks of IL;M. 3 Concern for the destruction, in the event that not of film in essence, at that point of story in film, is across the board in the present.In the ongoing extraordinary ‘digital technology’ issue of Screen, Sean Cubitt noticed a ‘common instinct among commentators, pundits and researchers that something has changed in the idea of film †something to do with the rot of natural account and execution esteems for the characteristics of the blockbuster’. 4 Lev Manovich has adjusted the power of ‘blockbusters’ with ‘digital cinema’ by characterizing the last for the most part as far as expanded visual embellishments: ‘A noticeable indication of this move is the new job which PC produced enhanceme nts have come to play in the Hollywood business in the last not many years.Many ongoing blockbusters have been driven by enhancements; benefiting from their popularity’. 5 In his examination of Hollywood’s frequently on edge portrayal of the internet in movies, for example, The Lawn Mower Man (1992), Paul Young contends that ‘cyberphobic films overemphasize the intensity of the visual in their dependence on advanced innovation to create display to the detriment of narrative’, and includes this is ‘a outcome that [Scott] Bukatman has contended is inert in all exceptional effects’. An increasingly extraordinary (however all things considered normal) see is communicated by movie producer Jean Douchet: ‘[Today] film has surrendered the reason and the intuition behind individual shots [and narrative], for pictures †rootless, textureless pictures †intended to fiercely intrigue by continually expanding their tremendous qualitiesâ€⠄¢. 7 ‘Spectacle’, it appears, is winning the war against ‘narrative’ up and down the line.Even a short factual investigation uncovers that ‘special effects’ driven movies have delighted in huge late achievement, accumulating a normal of over 60% of the worldwide income taken by the best 10 movies from 1995-1998, contrasted with a normal of 30% over the past four years. 8 Given that the extent of film industry income taken by the best 10 movies has held consistent or expanded somewhat with regards to a quickly extending all out market, this shows a bunch of enhancements films are producing immense incomes each year.While such figures don’t offer a complete image of the film business, not to mention uncover which films which will apply enduring social impact, they do offer a preview of contemporary social taste refracted through studio showcasing spending plans. Coupled to the ongoing fame of paracinematic structures, for example, huge organiz ation and unique setting films, the reestablished accentuation on ‘spectacle’ over ‘narrative’ proposes another conceivable end-game for 3 inema: not the every now and again forecasted purging of theaters made excess by the blast of locally established survey (TV, video, the web), however a change from inside which delivers a film done looking like its (account) self, yet something very other. Supplementing these discussions over conceivable true to life fates is the way that any go to dynamite film ‘rides’ can likewise be imagined as an arrival †regardless of whether renaissance or relapse is less clear †to a previous worldview of film-production broadly named the ‘cinema of attraction’ by Tom Gunning.Gunning quite a while in the past flagged this feeling of return when he remarked: ‘Clearly in some sense ongoing exhibition film has re-confirmed its underlying foundations in improvement and jubilee rides, in what m ay be known as the Spielberg-Lucas-Coppola film of effects’. 9 For Paul Arthur, advancements during the 1990s underline the point: The coming of Imax 3-D and its future possibilities, couple with the more extensive strains of a New Sensationalism, give an event to draw a few associations with the early history of film and the intermittent rationalization between the power of the visual and, for absence of a superior term, the tangible. 0 In what follows here, I need to additionally think about the circles and touches of these discussions, less with the excellent aspiration of settling them, however right off the bat of adding some various voices to the conversation †especially the voices of those associated with film creation. 11 My aim isn't to raise experimentation over hypothesis, however to advance discourse between various areas of film culture which meet very infrequently, and, all the while, to scrutinize the fairly tight terms where ‘digital cinema’ has much of the time entered late hypothetical debates.Secondly, I ne ed to consider the connection among ‘narrative’ and ‘spectacle’ as it is showed in these discussions. My anxiety is that there is by all accounts a threat of confounding various directions â€, for example, cinema’s on-going endeavors to differentiate its ‘experience’ from that of residential amusement advancements, and the go to blockbuster abuse systems â€and conflating them under the heading of ‘digital cinema’.While computerized innovation surely meets with, and essentially covers these turns of events, it is in no way, shape or form co-broad with them. ‘Spectacular sounds’: film in the computerized area Putting aside the inescapable publicity about the transformation of Hollywood into ‘Cyberwood’, in the same way as other others I am persuaded that advanced innovation establishes a significant unrest in film, principally as a result of its ability to cut over every one of the 4 parts of th e business at the same time, influencing film creation, story shows and crowd understanding. In this regard, the main satisfactory perspective for the profundity and degree of current changes are the changes which occurred with the presentation of synchronized sound during the 1920s. Be that as it may, while the major level at which change is happening is generally remembered, it has been examined basically as far as the effect of CGI (PC produced imaging) on the film picture. A more creation arranged methodology would in all likelihood start somewhere else; with what Philip Brophy has contended is among ‘the most ignored parts of film hypothesis and analysis (both present day and postmodern strands)’ †sound. 2 A concise flick through ongoing articles on computerized film affirms this disregard: Manovich finds ‘digital cinema’ exclusively in an authentic genealogy of moving pictures; none of the articles in the ongoing Screen dossier notice sound, and even Eric Faden’s ‘Assimilating New Technologies: Early Cinema, Sound and Compute r Imaging’ just uses the presentation of synchronized sound as a recorded similarity for examining the contemporary impact of CGI on the film image13. While not so much sudden, this quietness is still to some degree urprising, given the way that advanced sound innovation was embraced by the film business far prior and more thoroughly than was CGI. What's more, at any rate until the mid 1990s with fil
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Term Paper Writing Service in UK
Term Paper Writing Service in UKA term paper writing service in UK would take your reports from it and present them to your boss. In the UK, most companies do not want to pay for reports written by employees who only report for a specific time period, so they prefer to hire an outside service that can do this job for them.In the UK, term paper writing is considered as one of the job skills of all job seekers. The term paper writing service in UK should not be rejected because the writer has no experience in the field of writing term papers. This is a good opportunity for the writer to improve his skills in the field of writing and gain recognition for himself in the company.To begin with, the term paper writing service in UK can send your report to your boss and let him analyze it in a few hours. Then, he can give your report to the various personnel in the company and tell them to work on the report accordingly. Once you are assigned to a particular task in the company, your paper s hould be sent to the project manager and then to the rest of the team members. This way, you will also get the assignments that are assigned to you.You should make sure that you are submitting the task papers in an organized manner and that you do not forget to put a date and the time for the submission of the same. It is not necessary that you submit all the report in one go.The term paper writing service in UK should be careful when choosing the topics that are related to the subject of the company. You should try to write about the company or department and not about the employee. This is one way to make your career and in fact your life easier and faster.Make sure that you are using specific words that can convey your points clearly. You should always think about the subject and avoid using words that could give you the wrong impression of your point. This is the best way to avoid any mistakes and ensure that you get the desired results.The term paper writing service in UK shoul d also make sure that your sentence is arranged in a manner that is more effective than those that you wrote in your workbook. You should make sure that you are using correct grammar and do not make use of a lot of adjectives and pronouns to come up with a statement. These would be really detrimental in your writing.If you think that this is a hassle for you, you can always approach the term paper writing service in UK. There are many services online and there are agencies in London that would deliver the services for you. So, all you have to do is choose the right one.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Logitech and Wearable Computing - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 2983 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category IT Essay Type Analytical essay Level High school Did you like this example? Introduction Wearable computing is the study or practice of inventing, designing, building, or using miniature body-borne computational and sensory devices. Wearable computers may be worn under, over, or in clothing, or may also be themselves clothes (i.e. Smart Clothing (Mann, 1996a)). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Logitech and Wearable Computing" essay for you Create order Unlike a laptop or a palmtop , wearable computer is constantly turned on and interacts with a real-world task. Information could be even very context sensitive. Wearable computers are especially useful for applications that require more complex computational support than just hardware coded logics. Logitech International is a Swiss global provider of personal computer and tablets accessories with headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland and Americas headquarters in Newark, California. The company develops and markets products like peripheral devices for PCs, including keyboards, trackballs, microphones and webcams. Logitech also makes home and computer speakers, headphones, wireless audio devices, as well as audio devices for MP3 players and mobile phones. More recently, the company has begun making keyboards and covers for tablets. In addition to its Swiss and Americas headquarters, the company has offices throughout Europe, Asia and the rest of the Americas. Logitechs sales and marketing activities are organized into three geographic regions: Americas, EMEA, and Asia Pacific. Part 1 Value Creation There are a number of wearable computing applications and can be divided by product as explained in the figure below: Google Glass Google Glass comes under Eye-Wear and is a wearable computer that is being developed by Google with a mission of producing a mass-market ubiquitous computer. Google Glass displays information in a smartphone-like hands-free format, that can communicate with the Internet via natural language voice commands. Google is considering partnerships with sunglass retailers such as Ray-Ban or Warby Parker, and may also open retail stores to allow customers to try on the device. A touchpad is located on the side of Google Glass, allowing users to control the device by swiping through a timeline-like interface displayed on the screen. Sliding backward shows current events, such as weather, and sliding forward shows past events , such as phone calls, photos, circle updates, etc. Some of the applications of Google Glass are: Logistics One of the biggest opportunities for Google Glass and other wearable computer technologies is in the logistics industry. Already warehouse managers and trucking companies have tools to monitor stock levels and positioning, the new devices though offer more effective, compact and less obtrusive ways to collect real time data. Taxi industry GPS devices have become an essential tool for the modern taxi driver. Google Glass could put the directions right in front of the driver along with booking information and traffic conditions. The glasses could give drivers warnings about the likelihood of fare evasion, assaults or robberies in the neighbourhoods they are travelling through. In the most extreme cases, the glasses could even help network controllers communicate with drivers in dangerous situations without passengers being aware of the conversations. Trades people Building sites have some common feature with mines, particularly when it comes to visualising how designs are going to work in real life. Having devices like Google Glass could have helped those NBN contractors stymied by bad mapping data in the projectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s early stages. For the working tradesman, using augmented reality and Google Glass could help with estimating job costs and maintenance works, such as finding blocked pipes or malfunctioning parts. Architects and Engineers Staying in the building industry, wearable computers could help designers planning new buildings or infrastructure. Fly-through computer simulations of new buildings are standard architectural design tools today. With augmented reality displays designers, clients and stakeholders can visualise what anything from a new freeway, apartment block or kitchen extension is going to look like and the effects on the neighbours. Government agencies Emergency services, medical tre atment and law enforcement are areas where devices like Google Glass will prove invaluable. Having a mobile head up display of critical information during life threatening situations will prove to be an essential tool for early responders. Nike Fuel Band The Nike+ Fuel Band is an activity tracker that is worn on the wrist and is to be used with an Apple iPhone or iPad device. The Fuel Band allows its wearers to track their physical activity, steps taken daily, and amount of calories burned. The information from the wristband is integrated into the Nike+ online community and phone application, allowing wearers to set their own fitness goals, monitor their progression, and compare themselves to others part of the community. Application The Fuel Band comes with access to the Nike+ web community that is setup via the Nike+ Connect Software. The Nike+ web community allows product owners to create an online profile where they can showcase their personal statistics, such as how many goals have been met, how many steps have been taken, and how many Nike Fuel points have been amassed. Upon logging into the Nike+ site, users are given a graphical display of their daily activity, proximity to hitting their goal, positive feedback, and recommendations for more activities. Pebble watch The Pebble is a smartwatch developed by Pebble Technology and released in 2013 that was funded via the crowd funding platform Kickstarter. The Pebble is compatible with iPhones and select Android devices. When connected to your phone, it is able to receive a vibrated alert to text messages, emails, incoming calls, and notifications from social media accounts, Facebook and Twitter. Some of the applications are as follows: Check sports scores For sports fans, the ESPN Pebble app might be the most tempting reason to get a smartwatch yet. At a quick glance, users can check NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NCAA Football or NCAA Basketball scores, making boring dinner parties and pia no recitals a little more bearable. Send texts from your watch Major cellular providers usually provide email-to-text services, which deliver short emails to your phone as SMS messages. The Email to SMS app takes advantage of this, letting users create a few pre-written textsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ such as On my way! or Driving now. Will text you laterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ that can be sent directly from the watch. Maintain your health As a wearable tech device, smart watches and health features should go great together. Looks like Pebble app developers got the memo. A scan of the store reveals numerous options for monitoring steps, sleep patterns, calories burned and more, thanks to apps like Runtastic, Lets Muv, Movable and many others. Or, if youre not into quantifying yourself, just load 7-Minute Workout and get illustrations of exercises, for easy reference on your watch. Get directions Apps like Pebble GPS Map, PebbGPS and Maptastic can geo-locate you using your phones GPS. But if displaying maps on your arm is not enough, youll love the turn-by-turn directions some of them can put there as well. Nothing says tourist quite like checking your phones maps on the street. Dont let it happen to you. Part 2 Managerial planning and goals PEST Analysis: Political Economical These factors are related to what the government intervenes in the economic climate. Specifically, political factors include areas such as taxation policy, employment law, environmental law, trade barriers, taxes and prices, and political stability. These factors include growth in the economic , foreign exchange rates and the inflation rate. These factors have major impacts on how companies operate and make strategic choices. For example, interest rates affect a firms cost of capital and therefore to what extent a company grows and expands. Exchange rates affect the costs of exports and the supply and price of imports. Social Technological These factors include the cultural facets and include, growth in population, demographic set up, job attitudes and emphasis on health and safety. Fluctuations in social factors affect the demand for a companys products and services. These factors include technological aspects such as RD activity, automation, technology incentives and the rate of technological change. They can determine barriers to entry, minimum efficient production level and influence outsourcing decisions. Furthermore, technological shifts can affect costs, quality, and lead to innovation. As Logitech is a Swiss based company and it has head quarter in US, the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s new product may be launched in these two countries. However, the Far East market especially China is another avenue where the product can do well. China is Technology intensive and consumers spend a lot of money on electronics. In addition to that, the government has announced a reduction of import tax for international company, which means Logitech can have incentive in tax rates. Due to the recent recession, the Logitechà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s sales were decreased. Most companies are still recovering, however this may help the growth of sub sector (strategic groups) that offer value for money (H. Adrian R. Alison, 2008). Although wearable technological products are expensive, their perceived value is high which may increase the revenue for the company. It is clear from recent developments that the wearable technological market is differenciated. Worldwide wearable technologies sales totalled 285.1 million units in the second quarter of 2013; a 6.2% decrease from the second quarter of 2012, according to Gartner, Inc. Customers demand better technology and also easier to use, hence the company is facing strong competition from its rivals like Google, Nike and Samsung in wearable technology products. The company needs to be equipped with latest innovation in order to have a market share in this new market. The company on the other hand doing well in the electronics market with their latest designs and products. Part 3 Innovation Management Different entities are combining together in the form of acquisitions, mergers or joint ventures in order to acquire new technology, product or creating economies of scale. However, integration of two companies is not an exact science as culture is the predominant barrier in successful integration to get the desired output. A culture is a pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it resolved its issues that has worked well enough to be considered viable and is transferred on to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in connection to those issues. There are a number of managerial implications of integrating Logitech staff with the new high tech company. The effects of this integration on employee morale can be significant if the reorganization of the business is not handled effectively. During the integration effort, there are at least two groups of employees involved, often coming from organizations with di stinctly different cultures and styles. Learning a new culture can be challenging, but is especially so when employees are faced with uncertainty about what the future may hold and whose job is on the chopping block. Stress Change is often difficult for employees, especially if they were not directly involved in decisions that impact their jobs. During mergers and acquisitions, change can be especially difficult and can lead to stress which can have a negative impact on morale if not handled effectively. Communication is critical during these times, says Linda Pophal, a communication consultant with Strategic Communications, LLC. To the extent possible organizations should strive to share as much information about what is happening and, most importantly, how the changes will affect individual employees, as they possibly can. Fear of Job Loss When two or more organizations come together, culture clash is inevitable. Rarely do two organizations have the same culture. As th ese groups get to know each other there will inevitably be conflict and perceived or real losses on both sides, says Pophal. Employees may fear losing their jobs or losing opportunities that they formerly had. This fear can negatively impact productivity and may even result in employees leaving the company to seek jobs elsewhere. It is important for organizations and their managers and HR staff to recognize this and to provide opportunities for employees to get to know each other, to openly address concerns, and to work together toward the creation of a new culture that will merge the best of both worlds. Competitiveness When employees are concerned about their own job security they are more likely to become competitive with others and this competitiveness can result in conflictsometimes even violence. During the integration, it is important for managers and HR professionals to be alert to signs of negative competition and to ensure that employees are being kept informed about impacts on their jobs and their futures with the company. While some competition is good, competition is not good when it creates tension and negative conflict in the organization. Part 4 Strategic Leadership Companies that have flourished in the 21st century are those that have learned to respond to turbulence by managing change effectively. Some of the proposed programs to influence cultural and organisational changes are: Make culture a major component of the change management work stream. Often the main change management task during integration is providing communications. This focus may minimize the importanc e of change management, when communication becomes reporting the decisions of others, belatedly, rather than driving actual decisions. If culture is recognized as a major challenge that the change management team is responsible for, then this team assumes an essential role in achieving integration goals. The change team needs resources whose numbers and caliber are consistent with enacting a critical role. Identify who owns corporate culture and have them report to senior management. Choose owners from both companies to the integration to allow for representation of all views, even in a takeover. These owners typically will be senior Human Resources or Organizational Development practitioners. This is also an appropriate task for outside assistance, given the value of external insights in identifying culture. To drive home the importance of the issue, culture should be on the agenda of regularly scheduled (monthly/biweekly) Steering Committee meetings. Insist that the cultu ral work focuses on the tangible and the measurable. The Steering Committee should reject soft, vague, and poorly defined presentations of culture. Instead, culture owners should be required to discuss issues that are specific, well defined, and supported by specific examples that can be tied to business results. This is the difference between culture being addressed by general exhortations to enact teamwork and being addressed by analysis and interventions to increase measurable collaboration among the members of, for example, the new companys merged sales force. If the culture program focuses on whether members of the sales force are effective in selling the products of each others companies and removing the barriers to doing so, that will be a more substantial contribution than a culture effort that creates communications to inform the sales force about the desirability of teamwork. Implement a decision-making process that is not hampered by cultural differences. Decisio n-making style is often deeply ingrained in a companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s culture. However, few things have a greater impact on integration results than the ability to make speedy decisions. Customer and employee loyalty can erode quickly if a company is perceived as unable to reach decisions. Leaders of integrating companies find themselves thrust into a situation where they have to make decisions quickly. While varying decision-making styles may hamper this, the differences among decision-making styles are often less important than the difference among these styles and the decision-making style required for an effective integration. This is an urgent matter. The leaders of the integration project must address this with the support of the culture team by: Identifying decision-makers for each area of the integration. Understanding the decision-making style of each company both in terms of what the style is and the assumptions, processes, and structures that support that style. Use this as a basis for assisting decision-makers in moving beyond their assumptions to a point where they can act effectively. Communicating expectations to those decision-makers, including the deadlines when decisions are required. The demand for speed can be used to force changes in how decisions are made. Specific techniques can be used to support this, such as encouraging 80/20 decision-making rather than complete certainty before a choice is made. Build the employee brand with a view toward how it will be understood by employees. If retaining the employees is a goal of integration, then an effort must be made to secure their loyalty, just as customers loyalty must be reinforced. When one company is acquiring another, then the emphasis should be on making the acquiring companys brand attractive, in terms of the career opportunities, rewards, and the sense of identity that it offers to acquired employees. When equals are merging, it is important to find a common point that will not be so novel as to appear alien to all employees. It should neither install one company as dominant nor fail to recognize that employees from the merging companies have different expectations. Conclusion Wearable computers have a huge impact on different fields of sciences and arts. They also have enormous potential for uses in health and fitness, navigation, social networking, commerce, and media. The wearable computer provides the ultimate in network access hands-free, heads-up operation with complete mobility and ample computing power. Now personnel can connect to enterprise information systems without interrupting their work. With the convenience of voice activation and head-mounted or touchscreen display options, they can meet their ever-broadening responsibilities, supported by immediate access to on-line manuals, catalogs, parts lists, drawings, supplier information, work forms and more.Whether on-site, in transit or at home, wearables could enable users to maintain communication with company computers through direct connection or Internet. The device brings forth a whole new concept in mobile computing, offering the ultimate in PC portability. Much like conventional hand held and palmtop computers, wearables can upload and download data and software from various systems to desktop PCs. References https://www.businessinsider.com/hottest-companies-in-wearable-tech-right-now-2013-10?op=1 https://en.wikipe dia.org/wiki/Google_Glass https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pebble_(watch) https://readwrite.com/2014/02/10/10-cool-things-a-pebble-smartwatch-can-do#awesm=~ozlR82QYsnp2qw https://www.itnews.com.au/News/341535,making-the-business-case-for-google-glass.aspx https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120718141757AAelhD8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Glass https://www.itnews.com.au/News/341535,making-the-business-case-for-google-glass.aspx Page 1 of 16
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Agency Structure Essay - 1227 Words
Agency Structure The purpose of this paper is to provide the functional federal budget classifications for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Secret Service and identify each agency as an executive department or independent agency. Furthermore, provide the appropriate subcommittee for budget requests and give a brief agency history. Additionally, provide the U.S. Secret Services proposed and actual budget authority and outlays for a recent year. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers history dates back to 1775 after George Washington appointed the first engineer. However, the agencys creation as a separate entity did not occur until 1802. Subsequently,†¦show more content†¦However, Congress originally empowered it to create and sustain family farms in the West as well as to provide economic assistance to a region where investment capital had dried up during the depression of the 1890s (Pisani, 2003, p. 391). Additionally, this bureaus budget request goes to the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development. Furthermore, agency operations fall under water resources functional classification of the federal budget. U.S. Coast Guard On August 4, 1790, Congress commissioned the construction of ten vessels to collect tariffs, enforce trade laws, and prevent smuggling. While this informal act is the beginning of the U.S. Coast Guard, the formal recognition was on January 28, 1915 under the Act to Create the Coast Guard, which was Public Law 239 as part of the armed services. Since the U.S. Coast Guard creation, its purpose now includes drug interdiction, search, and rescue, living marine resources, defense readiness, law enforcement, marine environmental protection, ice operations, migrant interdiction, aids to navigation, ports, waterways, and coastal security. Additionally, the U.S. Coast Guard falls under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security during peacetime operations as an executive department. However, the U.S. Coast Guard falls under the Department of the Navy during war. This multi-purpose agencys genuine complexity of character is a source of some politicalShow MoreRelatedThe Hierarchy Of Structure And Agency888 Words  | 4 Pagesconstant debate about the primacy of structure or agency in forming human behavior in the social science. Carlsnaes (as cited in Hay, 1995) claimed that â€Å"the problem of structure and agency is †¦ the central problem of social and political theory†. Radically, the agency-structure problem is an ontological problem which is related to the nature of structures, agents and their correlations (Wight, 2003). 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The structure of the questionnaire was a mixed type, which included both close-ended and open-ended questions. In – depth Interview: - An interview held with: selected key informant from the unit of analysis and other agents who have a direct relationRead MoreRelationship Between Structure And Agency1823 Words  | 8 Pages The relationship between structure and agency is a key discussion point in sociology. The concept was brought to life by the sociologist Georg Simmel, but has been discussed by many other famous theorists, such as Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. The partnership between structure and agency are crucial to the development of society, and the process of individualization. Structure The Oxford Dictionary of Sociology Defines structure as â€Å"A term referring to any recurring pattern of social behaviour
Application Of Principal The Law Of Agency †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: How Do Application of Principal the Law of Agency? Answer: Introduction An agency relationship is one of the most prevalent and significant legal relations. The relationship starts with two parties. One becomes the principle, and the other one becomes the agent. The sole purpose of the agent is to represent the principal in its dealings. So through the agent, the principal can reach a third party, who is the customer. For example, a cashier in a supermarket is an agent, while the bank is the principal. So through the cashier (agent), the third party (Customer) executes a transaction with the supermarket (Principal). In any agency relationship, it's the principal that controls the conducts of the agent. The Legal in the Scenario of Rodney and Penelope This main issue in here is a question of creation of agency through cohabitation. The law recognizes that a man and a woman living together through cohabitation can form an acceptable agency. In Stone in (Stone, 2005) the work explains this agency as the agency that arises two people are in a de facto relationship. The exact mirror case of Rodney and Penelope was analyzed by Miller in (Miller, 2015) The courts may find an agency relationship when one spouse purchases certain necessaries and charges them to the other spouses account. For example, the courts will often rule that the second spouse is liable to pay for the necessaries, either because of a social policy of promoting the general welfare of a spouse or because of a legal duty to supply necessaries to family members. So as explained above, the main purpose of this agency is to promote the well being of the parties living standards, and it doesnt apply to luxurious properties. The same meaning was given in (Campbell Dennis, 2009) stating that two parties can create an agency by presumption or cohabitation. This type is agency exists through presumption that if a man and a woman are living in a de facto relationship, the woman is presumed to be an agent and can pledge the mans credit for necessaries. The same meaning applies to the case of Rodney and Penelope. The supermarket presumes that Rodney has authority from Penelopes to acquire household necessities. Notably, necessities are things like food, medical attention, and clothing. All things considered, these are mainly things that help in keeping their familys social status standing (Miss Gray Ltd .v Earl Cathcart, 1922). Another point to note is that the agency of cohabitation only exists in the cases of cohabitation but not in marriage. After all, there is also a chance for invalidating this agency. For example, the husband can refute the authority if he expressly forbids the wife on buying luxuries.Apart from the agency through cohabitation, we are also told that Rodney orders groceries online andreceives a delivery of groceries from the local TN supermarketwherePenelope holds a credit account is known to regularly pay outamountsput on that account forthe groceriesthatRodney orders This part introduces the agency through estoppels. According to (Miller, 2015), in a situation where a principal (Penelope) makes a third party (Supermarket) think that another person (Rodney) is her agent, and then a third party (Supermarket) deals with the assumed agent, the principal (Penelope) will be estopped to dispute such agency relationship. Following this explanation, Penelope made the supermarket think that Rodney is her agent by paying all the groceries. By doing this, the supermarket had no otherwise but to believe that Rodney was getting the microwave for Penelope. This is assumed that there is already an existing agency between Penelope and Rodney. For instance, in (Freeman Lockyer v Buckhurst Park Properties Ltd, 1964) in this cases, The respondent corporation had four managers, but in practice, only one manager executed all the contracts assuming the duties of the Senior Manager. However, he never held that position, so he had no actual power to bind the organization. The other managers were aware but never complained. In one transaction, this manager contracted the Claimant Company, but his company declined to pay alleging that the manager had no authority. The judge held that the respondent company was liable for the misconduct of its manager. In similar case, it can be argued that Penelope had authorized Rodney since he never disupted any of her previous dealing. The issue here is a question on whether the action of an agent can bind the principal with the third party. In apparent authority, a contract formed with between agents with a third party is as binding the same it would have been had the third party contracted directly with the agent. (Carper, McKinsey, West, 2007). This case was well stated by (Mallor, 2013) that Apparent authority confers upon the agent, or supposed agent, the power to bind the disclosed or unidentified principal in contracts with third persons and precludes the principal from denying the existence of actual authority. Thus, when authority is apparent but not actual, the disclosed or unidentified principal is nonetheless bound by the act of the agent. The same case applies to MODO sending Tim to search for an office but instead, he exceed to acquiring a lease agreement. Apparent authority can be actual, expressed or implied, Plus, it could also happen by estoppels. Concerning this case, this study will lean towards apparent authority. Notably, if it happens that the third party will rely on that representation; its no doubt that the principal will then be bound by any of the actions of the agent. So, MODO would be bound by the lease agreement, and this is because Tim made Adam believe that Tim was there on behalf of Modo. In (Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council v Racing UK Ltd, 2005), the court ruled that Mr Sanderson had apparent authority to bind the council the contract. The case applies to MODO, Tim had apparent authority to bind MONDO to the agreement. On the other hand, MODO may argue that he had instructed Tim to just visit and bring back the recommendations. However, it may still not work considering the point by (Mann, Roberts, 2016) that When a principal appoints an agent to a position in an organization, the third parties may reasonably believe that an agent has the authority to do those acts customary of an agents in such a place. Comparably, a similar comment was made by the judge in (Panorama Developments (Guildford) Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd, 1971) In this case; the secretary had entered into a contract while the principal was away. The principal argued that the secretary had implied authority. In the ruling, the judge held, "The secretary is the chief administrative officer of the company so he has ostensible authority with administrative matters." Similarly, Tim is the chief administrator to MODO and therefore has the apparent authority to bind MODO with Adam. Role of Apparent Authority to Establishing the Existence of the Principal-Agent Relationship Business transactions will have to overlook the limits to express or implied authority for them to operate efficiently. In other words, limiting the application of apparent authority is the same as bringing the principal to the work to conduct transactions. Apparent authority enables the agent to use its own judgment in making decisions where express or implied instructs do not provide for the arising issues. This one is the specific reason why the agents are allowed to execute transactions on behalf of the principle. In (Jones, Sufrin, 2016), the work states that there is need to have apparent authority to substantially decrease the costs that would arise if inquiries were to be made to the principal every time there is a transaction that's not covered in the provisions of actual authority However, the perception of apparent authority has been struggling with the mischief of the agents. There are situations where an agent within apparent authority has committed fraud or errors drawing the principal causing the third party to sue the principal. There is a need to understand that, when an agent enters into a contract with a third party, the final contract is between the third party and the principal. Nevertheless, the courts have always reasoned to prevent the misconduct of the agent from enrichment and fraud as in In (Skandinaviska Enskilda v. Asia Pacific Breweries, 2011). In this case, the Court dismissed the reasoning that the defendants finance director had apparent authority to undertake the money that the plaintiff had given him. Role Of Apparent Authority To Establishing The Scope Of The Agents Power To Bind The Principal With Third Parties For the protection of transactions, agency law has evolved to create the concept of apparent authority as the ground for transactions. This doctrine facilitates the operations by having the agent represent the principal where both contracts and claims would not be possible with the original principal. This reasoning was held in (Ermoian v. Desert Hospital, 2007) where the court held that In the medical context, vicarious liability has been extended to a hospital entity under a theory of ostensible agency for the acts of nonemployee physicians who perform services on hospital premises Apparent authority arises in different cases. It can arise where the parties terminated their agency relationship, but the third party doesn't have such information. Also, it can arise after the termination or limitation of actual authority, yet the principal has not communicated to the third party (Kleinberger, 2008). It can still occur even where there has been an established agency relationship forged between the agent and principal (Ghaly, Wilken, 2012). Due to ineffective communication or lack information on the side of the third party, apparent authority allegedly comes into force to protect third parties. The manifestation of Estoppels and apparent authority can be established in the following ways. There must be a representation from the principal by words or conduct that the agent has authority (Rama Corp Ltd v. Proved tin General Inv. Ltd, 1952). The law requires that third party demonstrates that it acted due to the misrepresentation of the principal by the agent (Baskind, 2015). Ultimately, its vital to note that the appearance of authority must have arisen from the principal's previous conducts as held in (Sigma Cable (Pte) Ltd v NEI Parsons Ltd, 1992) Conclusion The paper looked at the main principles of agency through that can be formed when people are cohabiting. It also looked at the principles of apparent authority. The goal was to analyze the formation of apparent authority and how its effect can lead to binding both the third party and the principal. Therefore, there is always a need for agents to act with diligence and credibility to maintain their good relationship with the principal. References Miller, R. (2011). Business Law Today, The Essentials: Text and Cases (11th ed., p. 604). Adamson, J., Morrison, A. (2016). Law for Business and Personal Use (19th ed., p. 387). Cengage Learning. Stone, R. (2005). The modern law of contract. London: Cavendish. Campbell, D., Dennis, E.C. (2009). International Agency and Distribution Law: Lulu Enterprises Incorporated. Carper, D., McKinsey, J., West, B. (2007) Understanding the Law. Cengage Learning Jones, A., Sufrin, B. (2016). EU competition law (6th ed., p. 753). Oxford, United Kingdom, UK: Oxford University Press. Baze, D. (2015). Common Law Of Agency. Supplemental Chapter For Oklahoma Real Estate Principles, 9. https://dx.doi.org/405-361-4602 Kleinberger, D. (2008). Agency, partnerships, and LLCs (3rd ed., p. 34). New York, NY: Aspen Publishers. Ghaly, K., Wilken, S. (2012). The law of waiver, variation and estoppel (3rd ed., p. 329). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Mann, R., Roberts, B. (2016). Smith Roberson's business law (17th ed., p. 390). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Baskind, E. (2015). Commercial law (1st ed., p. 176). Oxford University Press. Mallor, J. (2013). Business law (15th ed., p. 919). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Sigma Cable (Pte) Ltd v NEI Parsons Ltd, 2 SLR 1087 (1992). Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council v. Racing UK Ltd EWCA, Civ 999 (2005) Ermoian v. Desert Hospital 61 Cal. Rptr. 3d 754 (Cal. Rptr. 3d 754 ,2007) Rama Corp Ltd v. Proved tin General Inv Ltd, 2 QB 147, (1952) Skandinaviska Enskilda v Asia Pacific Breweries, 3 SLR 540. (2011) Sigma Cable (Pte) Ltd v NEI Parsons Ltd, 2 SLR 1087 (1992). Miss Gray Ltd V Earl Cathcart (1922) 38 TLR 562 Panorama Developments (Guildford) Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd, 2 QB 711 ( 1971)
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Slient Hero Essays - To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus Finch, Atticus
Slient Hero Surge In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, there was a silent hero who never took pride in his accomplishments and disliked things he was gifted at. He is an example of the moral character that should be in a person. His name is Atticus Finch. He is an excellent lawyer and sits on the State Legislature of Alabama. I will explain reasons why he was such a hero because of how he is an superb father figure, courageous, and how he is the same at all times and doesnt change to please or to make people mad. Jem and I found our father satisfactory: he played with us, read to us, and treated us with courteous detachment (Harper 6). Atticus Finch is a satisfactory father that raises his children by himself, along with the help of their cook, Calpurnia. He takes care of them as best he can. He reads to them, played with them when he was younger and when he wasnt their, Calpurnia took them in. Their mother died when Scout was two. She didnt know her mother but Jem and Atticus did. Atticus still deeply misses her as also the rest of the family does, but he still goes on teaching and taking care of his little ones because he has a strong heart. He raises them up the way he believes is right, which is having a strong sense of righteousness, and how to stand up for themselves. A great role model he is. "I don't know [how they could convict Tom Robinson], but they did it. They've done it before and they did it tonight and they'll do it again and when they do itseems that only children weep (Atticus, 213) In this citing, it shows of how much common knowledge Atticus knows about the racism in this country and he tries to tell Jem in his own words why a black man cant get a fair trial no matter what. The courage Atticus had to represent Tom, a black man accused of rape in a segregated city, was the most anyone could ask from him. He risked his family, status, and his own life, to represent an innocent person the best way he could. Not a Negro, but a person. He also tired to teach the community and his children that you shouldnt judge by race but who a person is inside, as this following citing shows: The witnesses for the statehave presented themselves to you gentlemen, to this court, in the cynical confidence that their testimony would not be doubted, confident that you gentlemen would go along with them on the assumptionthe evil assumptionthat all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption one associates with minds of their caliber. Which, gentlemen, we know is in itself a lie as black as Tom Robinson's skin, a lie I do not have to point out to you. You know the truth, the truth is this: some Negroes lie, some Negroes are immoral, some Negro men cannot be trusted around women, black or white. But this is a truth that applies to the human race and to no particular race of men. (Atticus, 204) Another quote from the book the shows Atticus as a true man that doesnt change to please no one: Gracious child, I was raveling a thread, wasnt even thinking about your father, but now that I am Ill say this: Atticus Finch is the same in the house as he is on the public streets. (Miss Maudie, 46) Atticus doesnt change for anyone, and this shows strong moral character. He doesnt believe in changing to make people emotional, which would fit the time and the place. If you cant be who you are then your are just another one of the many and you dont have the strength to be yourself, just trying to impress others. He tries teaching this to his children and they are trying to learn from him. Atticus Finch must have been brought up well to have such strong morals and to really know the meaning of right and wrong. His father figure has proving to be one of
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